In crypto everything is go-go-go. It’s digital, instant, smart-contract based. That’s why it’s a bit of a bummer when you make a loan offer against an NFT that matches the terms that the borrower is looking for but they do not accept them right away because they are unaware it has happened.
In an ecosystem where borrowers may prefer complete and total anonymity, signing up for email notifications from an NFT lending platform app may be out of the question. So unless they check the platform, how will they know?
I currently have 8 open loan offers on NFTfi where the terms meet or are close to what the borrowers want (all on web3 names like ENS and UD).
I also currently have 7 open loan offers on Arcade against some pretty low value jpeg NFTs. This is because I want to experience the process not because I think the collateral has value. As far as I can tell there are no web3 names even listed on Arcade at present. Bummer.
I don’t have any loan offers on Teller at present because every single offer cost significant gas fees by design unfortunately. That means that most loan offers would really have to be pre-negotiated and agreed in advance. Teller would just become the instrument to facilitate that agreement. Maybe that will change or I am doing something wrong but as of now it is expensive to mess around with.