
On February 14, 2018 the estate of Dave Kleiman sued the now discredited Craig Wright on the basis that Wright owed the estate billions of dollars worth of bitcoins. That’s because Wright was claiming to be Satoshi, had told the Kleiman family that Dave Kleiman had helped him build Bitcoin, and asserted that the two of them had become incredibly wealthy as a result. Since Kleiman had passed away, his estate believed it had been deprived of its share of the wealth and sued Wright to turn it over.

The lawsuit, filed in the Southern District of Florida, became a public spectacle, and on more than one occasion Wright informed the Court that he could not access the list of his bitcoin holdings because it had supposedly become inaccessible after a technical issue with the Tulip Trust he placed it in. On January 14, 2020, however, Wright mysteriously recovered the list of his bitcoin holdings and turned it over to the plaintiff.

On May 21, 2020, plaintiff filed a motion for sanctions and cited the list Wright had provided as an exhibit. Plaintiff said that the list contained 16,404 bitcoin addresses and was probably a forgery. At first, plaintiff filed the exhibit into the public record but then subsequently asked the judge to seal the record. It was too late, however, the list went viral. Since Wright had claimed to be Satoshi, his alleged holdings in this list went back as far as block #1.

And that’s where Wright’s problems began, because on May 25, 2020, the private keys to 145 of those 16,404 bitcoin addresses were used to sign a message that said:

“Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud. He doesn’t have the keys used to sign this message.

The Lightning Network is a significant achievement. However, we need to continue work on improving on-chain capacity.

Unfortunately, the solution is not to just change a constant in the code or to allow powerful participants to force out others.

We are all Satoshi”

sample of 145 signatures

The bitcoin addresses are on the left and the signatures on the right. By using all three factors: the message, the address, and the signature, anyone can paste them into a bitcoin wallet like Electrum to verify that they were signed by the person with the private key to each address.

For research, I pulled the date that each address came into existence through its coinbase award and sorted from oldest address to newest.

05/11/09 1JaKriNjceGmggKYQkURmatQv6LXyvUiAB 17:37:45
05/11/09 1CpkvbaAhn81Vc4vbx1yr9jGuETvetutBj 18:00:34
05/12/09 1MwWRaka2dQySercEFgZDenBvWpHw3kvCz
05/14/09 13jEwgtkahPdHQkPTtbHwFm6mvC4Vq71Tj
05/14/09 16BBCJoyBBuyk2bKM64EGCADgiacdpBsKP
05/16/09 19aXsBvYyGeiFnAbCaGWtmeQwiFFxzH3mZ
05/18/09 13forcak6Mv1ZYBo9wv3zeWB8UhDwBJr5S
05/19/09 1F39FW9NU8tuSCVhxVstd7piVSNw4YVGxY
05/19/09 12isdcKgXGQt1F42tCYHPevErL7rsax4Uc
12/14/09 1MhpaS75Xxxyqvcv3CLBwz2L76gDDpysJm
12/14/09 1KF7rv8hTcC88MHeYzKwBuACoecWaQJ91m
12/14/09 1C4Ym7bZZffCCjtRwcwvR6phVzCwQDyEK7
12/16/09 1LXUhX4tXfWGekjucDASYWSsPzYLhYM282
12/16/09 1D1Ci72Bhde38avQjP2Gyy6ZGhP2mgvoik
12/16/09 1Bn5U322mFuMKyoC9jKayfzbrpe3T3QscR
12/17/09 12CTHhyJtr49LgoUShbWgebLBviLAFj6nj
12/17/09 16TqRUQtrBRv9jnpuyVFEH43SRKZhqrCQ7
12/17/09 1KkajS3KDciJbfKk2Vg2SjUE6eKdiMktAa
12/17/09 12Ft7JjoqV6fTzUA3mRnosDYtJekVqnZpT
12/17/09 1JqT7snx8i7zmx748FYJbXfXEeXdMgWr6d
12/17/09 15JM7KfaXPwhYRpDkAeE6YxVhC5bRusWk5
12/17/09 1Mfjtt7aJEkwcoocokQxLNE1jDEqh6LFKF
12/17/09 1Bh4Vari8LcDcdH2qWJVK5sN4dA4vWfQe3
12/17/09 1FDs6tF2wxAPhPKgkT4eCd51WWqYuFdXXR
12/18/09 1GgLxr81StVBpRQPNQKnSF25kyEcpHCnz5
12/18/09 1HenciVLZmE9ugshcrW3GtZttP1bqr8W3s
12/18/09 18DfVFHfCAVFBhbmBLYxsE3HZqpaSu1Wvw
12/18/09 1LpCzHxxWasKBUCqbyXRUsKn1RSvNaRupT
12/18/09 12MZnJfu7GNrC8bSPuZhgNDr9otmUZnALu
12/18/09 15StD6n2ZTygoc7PM2bY13aAkwybNBUwn8
12/18/09 1BQqVjRAGndm8tRrwQNwdgJR8yhhDxXzE7
12/18/09 1BPqcdb4kzgoPyjpyrL9xzhmMsJS5eQqvw
12/18/09 1B8tBmGzxLynfxop38RpNaJ8SM5wr3oj4W
12/18/09 1Q3HYAZwnooayQZWEkYSThT353KcbpFF3P
12/19/09 1BzknixNDGfyesGcTbFuyEiD2nyCgEY6rS
12/19/09 1GwaiUArAF6MfSPV8SwCnp5LKEEbu9qrQ9
12/19/09 19bf2fMfCt1b3MLbHwahJfdUNoZXTxYd5D
12/20/09 1NVTcGUYSP6s4zH95ex86ctATzv8peV5mR
12/20/09 1HRhFWoCspCQWfnotkHPc7Joi4XHjRBi8Z
12/20/09 1zo1ifkrGNggtBKPhCn4486xHaaWBbXUd
12/20/09 12JMQYae1sR4FMupqHYafeGqJUY3kf4A3M
12/20/09 1EmRU4xtkAsisWyALP7cJnRcWkkWHs9DvW
12/20/09 1DYXvem7TuGT3oLgF2RsWyVc5ec1sJ82tH
12/21/09 1FbPLPR1XoufBQRPGd9JBLPbKLaGjbax5m
12/21/09 1NVou7bbmdsdVLEphqZadmX2gbR3QCDPAz
12/21/09 1C6BG4rqDdnaC3t3mzapNu46j9yVv1x4Eo
12/21/09 1H6ou5ZVaKzyoV3ujeiSqQHncJv831RTcz
12/21/09 1NChqEan8XUff1YPtgPYC9q2prfR1rXu9L
12/21/09 1KC2mZujBHLTD2NPQycfDowSfni895pXL9
12/22/09 1EuHqvmmDA6dFRmDyu4rzk8b7VkAmEn7Vq
12/22/09 18qJJUcMRWyXhMXR3F18vJXaHJRPYrxwYm
12/23/09 1MUzEx65ycYArLPPhxecjKBj4pzMmmjfsu
12/23/09 12KFCJLu9D7PzbZgBLuNMj2MpfgzdDJ7kR
12/24/09 1P5itXj2ET31bwGTwFx4Xb6EMaGaMRgTtP
12/24/09 1yKCpySRz2YQCGoovGSW7wASo9Jp7yhEF
12/24/09 1L85SkdcRjMuLYuiKKq5QPywxHUs4GertE
12/24/09 1PGZSrRhYbDDDJPiZHW47ffSFUGTkch2n5
12/25/09 1NcXJKwGAbsSBCi86zjgFsLCT8HoT9nVTW
12/25/09 1MjLPVSZBZ7YWjdMrf4DUus4DVAFkpgAmD
12/26/09 14RdV6JPBrTVeV5MfFqhGgfsZhMhCFotoQ
12/26/09 1Ba8UQfeUVjSRw8uHNSJ9wZqAZCSqweP19
12/26/09 17gzLQ924bNxXBHjgJVBaJEQAKVYTqzaR2
12/26/09 1Ey9QHtKgcY6aLDLW2xBoMxPJbaXxZcyAK
12/27/09 1MN82eH1Eu3hznewHFkfsAajknhj78Uup5
12/27/09 1KnT26DTvstGKW7P6BxMBEz8QbKa1iix9C
12/27/09 1HTUif11qDAwse9fAXwcdM6o4QPx1hqrio
12/27/09 1X5NfjvcBzdidakWzw37YQPXkBqXr4e6X
12/27/09 1FUjNePwqBv2gcGZFTkCM88jTqD2gWL4NA
12/27/09 15mVDLozNmscibeBCy33yYyH7AKdsuAcKe
12/28/09 15RJkhWxG3PP5AzfR1AHVWovZxFt3nFysN
12/28/09 1NqxEQi9pgmoCzi5vh43ByT9EgAbQqcW2o
12/28/09 15zQPNWD3uAa812THBgQP4rVSiYCBRpZ3N
12/28/09 17KSkVatkQBSRDJukfMtgbYFQ2M3uvBL59
12/28/09 1Mc9yttKMqBVWeUUzAHgvq6gzmgLLyELhY
12/28/09 1MRHrSxnmtUTv48UpxorA9PX2nSEC9yndi
12/29/09 1NWRrbPwHhpp28eQeman5YRV84D2aYe1Yw
12/29/09 14CmMfkbvkfzM1cU68wZMVBwJuSE3iN7Ns
12/29/09 17u34144cabkgraRhwLuzKUANYzf7UB5Jq
12/29/09 1HtMsYAjGKqnehgCXpTz8UkAw44ZLGdAJf
12/29/09 17WSviRk42u6vUbLg1xUixCQfC5t1zgjQX
12/29/09 1Ef6TCo7MMqMepWZ6tKAAEUyigTqJWpjPT
12/29/09 189k1PT89s9tUMigeJxHoccu44QRwEc2Tf
12/30/09 12jaQdf2C29Cobh3XZHj4WoPk8o91MK4jy
12/30/09 1EwiVkDkBLVUaoPuFVzW9NA82iaUUPZruU
12/30/09 1LJc6PhvkmLvcqg8wcjJw29kXXm6rfFGMi
12/30/09 1LTXYmotcmkwp65Zv1UtcKaRNRrFQYmduP
12/31/09 1EAGWgwskQB6o3f1GGsbsWShXPr77QiULE
12/31/09 1FxyVmPEsnqnVS8baCjyuTDsdFHB7reTam
12/31/09 16TGQooBCkfV68AKPEKJ8HG4dUEecmSckv
12/31/09 18sxpzUF2QK3WBiaNUt5oyFV7fcuL9xRo4
12/31/09 151iVadZ37FF6JLSZzjGyM21U3pBv8tyt2
01/01/10 19PYG68GkQ9nY99QeUSyUFy6vWxSyPmXA8
01/01/10 1DYHUEjrVE5gyKAn7P13wuRhs6x9EeijBX
01/01/10 1LK8dnWdxZWxLcdTCpqHRebGwwVcMAPo6X
01/01/10 1M2iLUvkkm12zE1EjARx46XXA1EZzsfxos
01/01/10 14ZiwXFoDVKoxVyKjeZjdtSHsYnJxSRFSH
01/01/10 1HGHEhR1tFjiF895SC2PHgRiZyGjpTV5dg
01/01/10 1Q9mvLQSHc4if71KZPG43re568u65ikQo1
01/01/10 1JMPLmKGdgD9Dtz3a4b4HpQzxZ69uVvUbS
01/01/10 1FXcjyxCRuJkY72zrLxBjtEReQdv4f89pc
01/01/10 1FuF5iWcHnEPMAhpk5cH7bzdZqjvKTdwka
01/02/10 12cFuwo1i3FMhkmJoCN8D4SjeCeRsXf96q
01/02/10 1PwaHB72F5nb7hurX8jmC93MUDtMqHgdCY
01/02/10 1CdZDnukUZ4QK3Ynjk5hukupczV2zzrXPh
01/02/10 1BMnca8dAqphg9e98ALoZyJch2NmDirvyY
01/02/10 1FVD5rzMP6tR8JuubgYSFLopiP33HnSGkZ
01/03/10 1NdmEC5HxfLSH6Z5xoxQUC8h3sfFoTSSRD
01/03/10 1BPo3xfuLWD5xZRVU61o9bEbW2XXyWLduY
01/03/10 15yfaq9UKSvPFTpP2q3VHwMfW8edwrxV7z
01/04/10 1DkxqjACGihnBHhiWGuJUMVRco6LHFpovT
01/04/10 18pxRfY6BgE4W4gSfog6FFZBwGs1fcEre5
01/04/10 1EpU3v1wRsPxBkpCsZCiA8QGa8jYXSREi8
01/04/10 1BByuLe4598R4cxG163Y4g2th5yu5D2x98
01/04/10 12Q8NX5RdYYAf8gA9NM5DALzWWtU5dZHxW
01/05/10 1LBUqhwVyUZ8QZw8UCEbgFQjDFjikL1CSB
01/05/10 1FTtHk9sc29yJXWcxKJdKz8C6YHyAQMgwU
01/05/10 1LWFZazDBRt6bGDb8ukkCo4H9o297S8pma
01/05/10 1VketozRRbdwxygHPRh4BL4jQgnH3xPWt
01/05/10 1LVWSzpeQyoHYPzDuYVktPuH8qJqBiskUF
01/05/10 1HCvxY4EW8P7EpXCYpRTLrrNuRfEdb4wuV
01/05/10 1LfgsdyXxa59sggxG7iHC2jZdy26fWqBij
01/06/10 1MNaNPHzju2KWAoPshfDBxknSSC5dWkfy
01/06/10 13PaeVWHFvEVWjUJiCAono12o39CLeBEEd
01/07/10 1K3Qs6bx1wnxCjLcb6jxfjk5kksSJh1WyK
01/07/10 1AfE9BbPDPGx8egt5qRBo5vLDiy4RrLNeV
01/07/10 1PDUuvJfhoiijbqnGeHZZwXRJoBCsaQSr9
01/07/10 1MraZtUepR19wk9Nti8dTnfUKDmXZUigT5
01/08/10 1Kynn7w9MF8hUvqdaHRKY4KLWtwnGdH2Uo
01/08/10 1DpuecprK8vV6A4FtHU6VLqkUs4D2P59PU
01/08/10 17iZXQzMYjxBxRbThhs36fmgR3cRKuD1yP
01/08/10 1LHgE4M96DyCt7J5H2wzcVPWNJt9zD1U5f
01/08/10 1MTMH8rnXtfTkPrNt9xpZVy2D95sKf8hYy
01/08/10 12vQPdDVU8KHeXMSXBY7e4rRierNjWETLi
01/08/10 1KH2yPhaxPKKh53Vqkghjn2jfXDJWHRpbJ
01/08/10 12KFrqyEEtdvrSvfWvXYtieKoFZgoSgbXi
01/08/10 1VaPTvD7fn6dYN9ka9WUi3jN9mBiGnWF1
01/08/10 1Gd6DBfutYmwr6Z7CtV8pQiRXG3ZGhw8GX
01/08/10 1PLU3ytAptPgHXWujCrcxLzqg4LdFX2bu2
01/09/10 153w6WiJW1Z2uKYegDVVbbBYYhzps6VmWr 00:51:54
01/09/10 19TfJPQDTFT4uZj8vYn4ff3rxRxBTBELu 07:45:14
01/09/10 1LBmJDqhNboEbyJveb8jB5TNKW5GW7qboN 12:31:00
01/09/10 1HhHqRamECC7y4qfSEeYNvLJKCRUkxBY1u 14:24:07
01/09/10 1CoFNuTemGzFPHqkuz2Ai5ZaweM7zfPJE6 15:02:29
01/09/10 17fH8bs2eBSxYC4fLQgVPWXw2cV5bNrpon 16:20:39
01/09/10 1LsZpodgMzW8bzHiSQS1kpZu9JzpdVLPB9 19:16:01

What you’re seeing in the first and last entry are vanity addresses, a cute little system that Satoshi introduced from the beginning to put names or messages in a bitcoin address. All legacy addresses start with a 1 so the first one is Jak, Jack Dorsey’s online nym for more than a decade, and the last one contains “HiSQ” which reads as Hi Square since SQ is the ticker for Jack’s company. Jack -> Hi Square.

While this is not proof that Jack Dorsey is Satoshi it is possible evidence that Jack Dorsey was the miner of the coins and the signer of the messages. It’s also possible that the miner/signer was simply a big fan of Jack or working with him at the time OR that these addresses occurred organically and the signer handpicked them to signal that they had Jack on their side. Although they had more than 16,000+ options from Wright’s list to choose from to send a message, they would have specifically needed the keys to these addresses in order to have pulled it off, as well as the keys to 143 others in between them.

For readers that are unaware, Jack Dorsey took it personally that Craig Wright used legal measures to try and establish that he was Satoshi Nakamoto and the author of the Bitcoin White Paper. In January 2022, Jack announced the formation of a Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund on the Bitcoin Mailing List, and as will be detailed in a later article, the war to debunk Craig Wright’s claim to be Satoshi was ultimately financed by Jack. It was part of a bitter feud between the two that went on for years.

If it is true that these messages were signed by Jack Dorsey, it would be the first evidence of his actual involvement in bitcoin in 2009 and substantially increase the likelihood that he is indeed Satoshi Nakamoto.