
A new post on the semi-private forum purports to show off all the loans over the last year that have defaulted. My guess is that the data came from Snowgenesis. Though the raw number of defaults is low (113 total), 32% of those were digits, primarily 10k club 4-digit names. Five of them were fake digits that benefited from a lowercase L in the display where the number 1 was presumed to be. Instead of 1421.eth for example, the collateral was l42l.eth. Ouch. No data from Teller was included in the list.

The three largest loans to default (based on a preliminary assessment) were digit domains with a disguised L. 9l4.eth, 4l7.eth, and 2l4.eth all got loans for 18 eth each (currently $28,800 each), and defaulted. Unsurprisingly, all 3 names are now about a month away from expiring. The lender probably suffered from major regret.