
Satoshi Nakamoto was likely a big fan of Neal Stephenson’s 1999 novel Cryptonomicon. Here’s why:

Bitcoin Cryptonomicon
Bitcoin White Paper’s Release
October 31
Neal Stephenson’s birthday
October 31
10 minute bitcoin block times In the span of 10 minutes, the world holds its breath to determine if fiat can still be exchanged for gold and silver.

“The millions of promises printed on those slips of bumwad will all be kept or broken in the next ten minutes” – Cryptonomicon

Genesis block hidden message: “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks” Failing banks print money on old newspapers.

“It must be a cutthroat business because [banks] slash costs by printing it on old newspapers.” – Cryptonomicon

The address Satoshi used to conduct the first bitcoin transaction with Hal Finney
“Another thing he did this morning was to download the current version of the Cryptonomicon from the ftp server where it lives in San Francisco” – Cryptonomicon

Jack Dorsey talking about Cryptonomicon – June 28, 1999.

First Bitcoin Conference in 2011 promoted with Cryptonomicon as background reading.