
After my rant about nobody accepting my loan offers against their listed .eth names, acceptances started happening left and right. Five loan offers got accepted on Teller and 3 on NFTfi. A couple were clearly undercollateralized because I offered a loan amount that was higher than the borrower’s buy-it-now list price, a tactic likely to lead to an intentional default, but I guess we’ll see.

On Teller, so far I have spread .76 weth (about $1,400 right now) across 6 total loans. On NFTfi I’ve done six loans total as well.

I would have done more on NFTfi by now but I had some issue where the wallet I was using got blocked by the platform. Hopefully it gets fixed. Trying it from another wallet works fine. I think some of their API features would greatly enhance the tool I’ve been working on.

I should note that as of this date, only one of four NFT platforms I’ve been experimenting on have provided me an affiliate link. If someone lends on Teller, supposedly I’m supposed to get some percentage of a fee? I’m not really clear on the details but as of this date I have not received anything. I know that I’m supposed to disclose any type of “arrangements” but I don’t entirely know what the deal is and have never gotten anything.

As for NFTfi, Arcade, and x2y2, I don’t have any type of business relationship or link and don’t stand to benefit in any way if anyone clicks a link or uses their platform or whatever. Could I foresee some type of arrangement with them? Sure, but there is none in place at the time. Feel free to use any platform you want as I have not to-date received anything from any of them. For now, I’m just experimenting to learn more about the platforms, process, and borrower behavior. If I learn anything along the way, I’ll share it.