
artloan.ethOut of the 3 loans I’ve made against ENS names as collateral so far, one of them has paid off early. It was artloan.eth. As I previously wrote, this was a very small loan at .03Ξ. It was a 7-day loan that was due on July 30th.

One thing I noticed after the fact is that my borrower was also a lender. They themselves had made a loan against jrchuka.eth, which defaulted. That loan was also small, only .01Ξ. It’s possible that person is also experimenting on the platform like myself, trying out both the borrowing and lending side of the process. I suppose I should also try borrowing at some point just to become familiar with the process.

Over time, you will see some enhancements and features added to this platform. Already, I’ve added a live board of borrowers seeking loans against specified ENS names on the home page. The intent is to include additional “web3” names and even tokenized DNS names if possible. I don’t really see any Unstoppable Domains being listed anywhere. There are a number supposedly listed on NFTfi but they appear to all be old listings. I made bids on a few that were equivalent to what the borrowers were seeking but there was no response and the offers expired. Oh well.

I made a loan on Teller too but right now I’m still trying to figure out an efficient and automated way to capture the loan data. I should disclose that none of the NFT lending platforms are compensating me for anything. I have an affiliate link to Teller that is used in some places, but that’s it. As of now I’ve made $0 with it. NFTfi, Arcade, x2y2, etc. do not offer any affiliate links and I have no business relationship with them. So far this is all as unbiased as it gets.