
This guide exists because ENS has still not built a front-end interface to wrap DNS domains. Hopefully this will soon be outdated and no longer necessary for anyone to follow.

Wrapping a DNS domain turns it into an NFT. Your .com domain (or other DNS tld) can be a real NFT like this one that became the first ever to be wrapped on mainnet with the official ENS NameWrapper contract. decashed nft

Step 1: Import the DNS domain into ENS. This turns a DNS domain into a working ENS name, wallet address, identity etc. However, it won’t make it an NFT. That’s step #2.

Step 2:

A. SetApprovalForAll on etherscan here
Operator Address: 0xD4416b13d2b3a9aBae7AcD5D6C2BbDBE25686401 [<--- namewrapper address] Approved: true

Click write, sign, etc.

B. Wrap the domain on etherscan. (the first part is tricky)

For name, do the following:
1. Go here:
2. Enter this code where “yourname” is your DNS domain name like

'0x' + require('dns-packet').name.encode('yourname').toString('hex')

3. Click “run”
4. Copy the result that starts with 0x
5. Go to the NameWrapper contract on etherscan and wrap with #25 by doing:

name: paste the result from #4
wrappedOwner: [your wallet address starting with 0x]
resolver: 0x231b0Ee14048e9dCcD1d247744d114a4EB5E8E63

Click write, sign, etc.

Congrats, your DNS domain is now an 1155 NFT. The DNS owner retains final control over this NFT regardless of who you send the NFT to over the blockchain. You can also make subdomains of it which will be tradeable NFTs as well. DNS owner has final control over the subs too. Have fun, experiment, and be safe.

Here’s another example of a .com NFT on etherscan.